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Let's Create a Better World together

Local Collaborations, Global Impact

Raising ambassadors. Connecting cultures. Transforming society
Kingdom Synergy Alliance serves to improve the wellbeing, visibility, and impact of the body of Christ in cities and nations through collaboration amongst local Christian people, communities, marketplace leaders and organizations to bridge the gaps in the services and mission to the unreached in their specific local communities and beyond.
Kingdom Synergy Alliance understands the importance of unity,  synergy and strategy in making Gods will happen in any society. We organize as a society facing mission to ensure all the saints are developed, prepared, united, well informed and collaborating effectively to bring Gods will to pass in their cities. We have served this in several cities across the world.

Our Campaigns


About our Organization

We are a growing community of Kingdom citizens. We work together to support people development, transformation of societies and communities, on both spiritual and socio-cultural levels, to enforce dynamic changes. locally, nationally and internationally.

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Campaigns Completed
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Ongoing campaing
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Young Volunteers

What we Serve


KSA provides ways for Christians in the marketplace (students and working professionals) to connect with one another in their vocational areas for mutual support, benefits and to collaborate as change agents within their sectors.

Leadership Development

We coach church planters and missionaries and are collaborating with seminaries in America to set up Satellite Seminaries for Local pastors and church leaders in Nations where formal Christian Seminary Education is not as developed or available.


At Kingdom Synergy Alliance we see the Great Commision as the Great Co - Mission, which is the the work we do together as co-laborers to change our society, cities and nations We connect local churches and missionaries in USA with mission opportunities in Africa and Europe..

Become a volunteer to help us do more

work with us to see your city and world transformed,

Essential Services – Christians Assemble!

  Essential Services – Christians Assemble! There are Vacancies that needs to be filled by YOU!In any time of Crisis and challenge there will always be those who rise to stand
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As leaders in the Faith, Governance and the world; what message are we sending right now? Our communities are looking for a revival. I have seen that any such move
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Who am I?

QUESTION: So the devil chose to reject the life of God? Do angels have a choice? ANSWER: Yes the angels have a choice, but do not have the right to
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How 3.1 Billion Christians can change our world

CFNI Marketplace Leadership Majors – “How 3.1 Billion Christians can change our world” – Eugene A Ajayi with William L Ford Lecture delivered By Eugene A Ajayi on kind invitation
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SENT To Cross – Culture

Asides from the Eden initiative, that some of you already know about and are involved in, myself and the merry ambassadors of the king who serve as Kingdom Synergy Alliance
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The Eden Initiative – Licensed to Transform

What if Local Christians (living, working, learning, leisur(ing) and worshiping in a local area) everywhere in the world can work together to take care of their community for Christ’s sake?
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