Our Impact
Kingdom Synergy Alliance associates and ambassadors in the United Kingdom, West Africa, the USA, and Canada, through our various initiatives, mobilize Christians across cultures, denominations and geographic locations to do better for society together.
As we like to say, “We bring the cross of Christ to different cultures and cultures to the cross of Christ.”
We are growing our impact around the world
Next Generation Missions
Youth & Young Adult Engagement
Kingdom Synergy Alliance has been instrumental in the journeys of scores of churches in developing youth, young adult and next-generation ministry. helping many Ethnic Churches in North America to rethink the engagement of millennials and Gen Z in church and ministry through leadership training and development, church planting and campus ministry.
Cross-Generational Engagement
Through a dynamic initiative we call Project Alpha, Kingdom Synergy `Alliance connects Generation X and Baby Boomers to Generation Y, Z and Alpha in “virtual villages.” within cities to develop mentoring relationships that helps them succeed in life, relationships and careers
Connecting Christians - KingsTribe
Tribes are not organizations; they are superfamilies and cultural hubs consisting of men, women, and families in communities. KingsTribe, is an Initiative of the Kingdom Synergy Alliance, is a collaborative effort that empowers Christians to identify with one another and create connected ‘communes’ across denominational, cultural, vocational, and generational boundaries, working together to build community and fulfill destiny.
We do this by creating opportunities for these Kingdom Connections through various events, programs and projects and nurturing unique connections that create value for the body of Christ and Society

City Transformation Networks and Collaboratives
Kingdom Synergy Alliance serves the synergy of the body to make of God’s resources available for all of God’s work within cities by bringing together kingdom-minded individuals, leaders, organizations and networks to connect and synthesize ideas, resources and capabilities to serve their cities better.
We have seen great good come to cities when different individuals, communities, organizations, and institutions come together in unity to serve the body of Christ and the city.