What if Local Christians (living, working, learning, leisur(ing) and worshiping in a local area) everywhere in the world can work together to take care of their community for Christ’s sake?

At Kingdom Synergy Alliance, we know Gods workforce, Christians, are everywhere! In every nation! 3.1 billion of us… licensed by heaven to transform!
Our job is to support Christians to engage and transform communities through what we dub the “Eden Protocol”

it’s not that deep really! It simply mirrors what happened in Eden when the Godhead decided to show up in the earth and redevelop it.
Here it is
First, after assessment and analysis of the situation the high-level report was that “the earth was without FORM, and VOID, DARKNESS was upon the face of the DEEP” The Lord initiated the change and transformation project in a specific sequence
When we come into a community or nation and realize that darkness dominates, just like in Genesis “Light” is the first solution.
What is this light?
If you are in Christ, Don’t look too far, look in the mirror!
After Jesus went to heaven, he left us here, the children of the Father of lights as the lights of the world.
Which means when we come into a nation, community, region that is in spiritual, moral and cultural darkness… the Lord says “let there BE light” which means his sons and daughters BEING present as his ambassadors to initiate Eden.

What then is this “Light”
Asides from “being present” Light is making impact through coordinated “good works” engagement, Jesus gave us this command “let your LIGHT SO SHINE” before men, that men SEEING your “GOOD WORKS” may glorify your father in heaven.
“There was light”
In the Eden protocol we facilitate synergy of different agencies to reach and engage a specific community through coordinated good works, we call them “social impact” in some climes.
These are works that “improve life, wellbeing, meet a need, solve a problem…” anything from food, shelter, healthcare, social support, healing on the streets etc, when we do them together, in a coordinated way, as one tribe… the impact factor is humongous! It buys in the hearts of the reached community trust, hope and curiosity to know our Lord. Goodwill towards Christ is the precursor to TRANSFORMATION which is the next stage in the Eden Project.
The reason why coordination is important is because acting individually confuses the world around us. It makes them wonder if we are all working for the same God and Father, because in our zeal to do good works and build great missions/ministries we seem to be competing against one another for the worlds attention, rather than working together to compete against the gates of hell for the souls and attention of mankind.
In Dixon yesterday we are pleased to see an adaptive responsive coalition of different God agents with different skills and graces come together to engage with the community, learn it profile, triage the needs and initiate a response to it.
I need to mention that this has been in prayer and planning for at least three months now. We must never underestimate the importance of speaking to the Father and tracking our with his plans when we make ourselves available to do his works, Jesus Christ our mentor in doing the Fathers business of redemption and restoration shared once “what I see my father do, this is what I do!”

Also prayer and planning helps in dealing with legalities in the realm of the spirit that may make the community or nation unresponsive to engagement.
Are you interested in learning more about the Eden Initiative and how you can be part of Gods transformation team to turn your region, community and nation to the place of his presence (Eden)
Contact me
I know I know! I didn’t finish the write up, I only spoke about phase 1 “let there be light” and there was light”
Look out for phase 2 in the next few days!