Who am I?

QUESTION: So the devil chose to reject the life of God? Do angels have a choice?

ANSWER: Yes the angels have a choice, but do not have the right to exercise it.

When you go to a restaurant, a waiter waits on you to receive your orders, when you give it to him he has to give you exactly what you requested, he has no right to modify or change your order, he CANNOT exercise his choice whilst he serves you.

So also angels have a will but must choose to serve the father, any choice contrary is rebellion, this was what happened to the devil, he exercised his choice contrary to God’s will… That was his Iniquity!

The title above is a question I want to ask us all. If you know who you are, it makes it easier to walk a certain path in life. In these trying times, let’s consider what it means to use our free will.

Leave any comments or questions. I look forward to hearing from you.


Kingdom Synergy Alliance Now At TheHopeCenter – Texas

Kingdom Synergy Alliance offices have now moved into The Hope Center in Dallas Texas alongside several Christain NGOs. This is quite significant and has divine providence written all over it.
You can find us in suite 1908 at The Hope Hub nestled amongst the very kind of kingdom related services we exist to serve.

Kingdom Synergy Alliance (KSA) is the international arm of the House of Lights that supports transformative work in nations through 5 key strategies

1. Establishing Kingdom Connections
2. Developing Kingdom Communities
3. Synthesizing Kingdom Operations
4. Providing Kingdom Education
5. Promoting Kingdom Culture

Our number one key strategy is “Creating RelationshipHoods in SpaceHoods”.
We believe there is no such thing as sacred and secular spaces for believers, every space has the potential for glory to happen when believers get together to commune.

KSA helps foster and deepen Christ authored relationships amongst believers in whatever space they live, work, learn, play and worship to the point where they not only care for and serve one another but also function together from day to day to restore society.

We bring together believers on the basis of their citizenship in Christ alone and create opportunities for them to develop and share culture in relationship, kingdom lifestyle and purpose. we have fostered over the last 15 years thousands of unique connections amongst believers that has created friendships, businesses, ministries that are transforming communities and society in the United Kingdom, USA and Africa (with more places loading)

About the Hope Center

The Hope Center is a one-of-a-kind 501(c)(3) Christian nonprofit. The 185,000 square foot center fosters collaboration among its 40+ Christian nonprofits with one common goal: to share Christ in North Texas and around the world. The Hope Center provides significantly reduced rent in a servant-minded culture, resulting in a partnership that pours over $2 million back into the mission field annually. The center also offers a variety of event rooms, which serve not only its 40+ tenant nonprofits but also countless other Christian organizations outside of The Hope Center.